Biblical Origins of Birthstone Jewellery

febrero 20 2023 – Yuna R

Birthstones are gems that are associated with a specific month and are often thought to hold spiritual significance. The use of birthstones has a long history and is found in many cultures and religions, including Christianity. In this blog, we will explore the history and significance of birthstones from a biblical perspective.

The use of gemstones in the Bible is mentioned in several places, particularly in the book of Exodus. In Exodus 28, the Lord commands Moses to create a special garment for the high priest, which is to be adorned with twelve precious stones. These stones are to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. The stones are listed as follows: sardius, topaz, carbuncle, emerald, sapphire, diamond, jacinth, agate, amethyst, beryl, onyx, and jasper.

While these stones are not directly associated with specific months, some biblical scholars have attempted to connect them to the twelve signs of the zodiac, which are associated with the months of the year. For example, sardius has been associated with Aries (March-April), topaz with Taurus (April-May), and so on.

In the Middle Ages, the idea of wearing a specific gemstone based on one's birth month became popular. It is believed that this tradition originated from the breastplate of the high priest in Exodus 28. In the 18th century, the idea of wearing a birthstone for good luck and protection gained popularity. Each month was associated with a specific gemstone, and it was believed that wearing the stone during the corresponding month would bring good fortune.

Here is a list of the traditional birthstones and their biblical associations: 


January - Garnet: The garnet is said to symbolize faith, love, and constancy. In the Bible, the color red is often associated with blood, sacrifice, and atonement. It is associated with the tribe of Benjamin. 

February - Amethyst: Associated with the tribe of Dan, it is believed to bring clarity and wisdom. In the Bible, amethyst is mentioned in the book of Revelation as one of the stones that will adorn the foundations of the New Jerusalem.

March - Aquamarine: Associated with the tribe of Judah, aquamarine represents courage, creativity, and communication. In the Bible, the color blue is often associated with heaven, water, and purity.

April - Diamond: The diamond is a symbol of strength, purity, and eternal love. In the Bible, diamonds are mentioned several times as a precious and valuable gemstone. It is associated with the tribe of Gad.

May - Emerald: The emerald is said to symbolize rebirth, fertility, and growth. In the Bible, emeralds are mentioned in several places as a precious and valuable gemstone associated with the tribe of Levi. 

June - Pearl: Associated with the tribe of Simeon, the pearl represents purity, innocence, and humility. In the Bible, pearls are mentioned several times as a symbol of value and beauty.

July - Ruby: The ruby is a symbol of love, passion, and strength. In the Bible, rubies are mentioned several times as a precious and valuable gemstone. It is representative of the tribe of Reuben. 

August - Peridot: A symbol of success, prosperity, and happiness. In the Bible, peridot is mentioned in the book of Exodus as one of the stones that will adorn the breastplate of the high priest representing the tribe of Ephraim. 

September - Sapphire: The sapphire is a symbol of wisdom, truth, and faithfulness. In the Bible, sapphires are mentioned several times as a precious gemstone representing the tribe of Issachar. 

October - Opal: The opal represents creativity, inspiration, and imagination. In the Bible, opals are not mentioned specifically, but the color of the stone (multicolored) is often associated with the beauty and diversity of God's creation. It is associated with the tribe of Asher.

November - Citrine/ Yellow Topaz: Associated with the tribe of Naphtali, topaz is mentioned as one of the precious stones used to decorate the throne of God in the book of Job. It is also said to represent wisdom and grace, and a symbol of the love and favor of God. Some interpretations of the stone suggest that it is associated with the color yellow, which is often associated with divine light and purity. 

December - Turquoise or Blue Topaz: Associated to the tribe of Zebulun, these blue-green gemstones represent communication, self-expression, and spiritual growth. Turquoise has been associated with protection, healing, and wisdom, while blue topaz is sometimes seen as a symbol of truth, loyalty, and mental clarity. The color blue is often associated with the sky and the heavens, and is sometimes seen as representing divine truth and spiritual aspiration.

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  • Karen Brakin: July 28, 2024
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    I gathered some great information. Thank you

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