March Birthstone Aquamarine & The tribe of Judah

三月 03 2024 – Yuna R

King of Beasts Lion Ring

In the Bible, the tribe of Judah is one of the twelve tribes of Israel, and is associated with the birthstones of March, which are aquamarine and bloodstone.

The name "Judah" means "praise" or "thanksgiving," and the tribe of Judah was known for their bravery in battle, their leadership skills, and their strong connection to the royal line of King David. The tribe of Judah was also associated with the city of Jerusalem and the Temple, as well as with the Messiah, who was prophesied to come from the line of Judah.

In terms of the association with aquamarine, this gemstone is known for its pale blue-green color, which is reminiscent of the color of the sea. In the Bible, the sea is often used as a symbol of the vastness and power of God, and the color blue is associated with heaven and spiritual things. Aquamarine is sometimes seen as a symbol of purity, harmony, and balance, which may have been seen as fitting for the tribe of Judah, which was known for their connection to God and their leadership skills.

In some Christian traditions, the apostle Matthew is associated with the tribe of Judah, and the gospel of Matthew begins with a genealogy that traces the lineage of Jesus back to King David and the tribe of Judah. The connection between the tribe of Judah and the Messiah underscores the importance of this tribe in the history and theology of the Bible.

The associations of purity, harmony, balance, courage, self-sacrifice, and spiritual renewal may have been seen as fitting for this tribe, which was known for their bravery in battle, their leadership skills, and their strong connection to God and the royal line of King David. The enduring connection between the tribe of Judah and the Messiah underscores the importance of this tribe in the history of the Bible.

Wear beautiful aquamarines as reminders of the intimate access you have to God the creator through Jesus, the Lion of Judah. Check out our Lion of Judah collection and roar with Judah's tribe!


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