October Birthstone Opal & the Tribe of Asher

октябрь 21 2024 – Yuna R

As we honor opal, the birthstone of October, we are reminded of the legacy of the Tribe of Asher—a legacy marked by abundance, blessing, and generosity. The opal's vibrant, multicolored brilliance mirrors the diversity of God's creation and serves as a symbol of the richness of His blessings in our lives. Just as the tribe of Asher was renowned for their prosperity and strength, may we strive to live with the same sense of creativity and inspiration that comes from God, reflecting His beauty and grace in all that we do.

The opal is often associated with the Tribe of Asher, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Asher, the eighth son of Jacob, was blessed with abundance, prosperity, and favor. In Deuteronomy 33:24-25, Moses spoke these words of blessing over the tribe of Asher:

"Most blessed of sons is Asher;
let him be favored by his brothers,
and let him bathe his feet in oil.
The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze,
and your strength will equal your days."

This passage emphasizes Asher’s prosperity, both materially and spiritually. "Bathe his feet in oil" is a metaphor for great abundance, as the tribe's territory was rich in olive oil, a valuable resource in ancient Israel. Oil, a symbol of anointing, points to God’s divine favor and blessings over the tribe, not just in terms of wealth but also in strength and protection. Oil is also a symbol of the Holy Spirit, by which we as new covenant believers are empowered to receive God's abundant blessings.

While opals are not directly mentioned in Scripture, their unique quality of displaying multiple colors is a fitting symbol of God’s creativity, much like the stars in the sky or the diversity of life on earth. This stone encourages us to embrace creativity and reflect on the inspiration we can draw from God's artistry in the world around us.

In the High Priest's breastplate (Exodus 28), each tribe was represented by a gemstone, and the opal is often associated with Asher. Just as the opal radiates many hues, Asher’s blessings were varied and abundant, with the tribe known for its rich land and provision. Like the opal, which reflects light in dynamic ways, the tribe of Asher’s legacy is one of divine favor, generosity, and provision to others. Just as an opal’s beauty is revealed in different lights, the blessings of God in Asher’s life—and in our own—are revealed in different seasons.

The creative and imaginative qualities represented by the opal resonate with the blessings of Asher. We are all called to use our God-given gifts and creativity to serve others, just as the tribe of Asher was known for providing food and resources to the rest of Israel. Asher's name itself means “happy” or “blessed.” Genesis 49:20 says:

"Asher’s food will be rich;
he will provide delicacies fit for a king."

This passage shows that Asher’s descendants were known for their ability to bless others with the wealth they received. This is a reminder that God’s blessings are not only for personal benefit but are also meant to overflow into the lives of others. Asher's strength, favor, and blessings were meant to support and provide for others, a quality that those who seek to live in God's abundance should strive to emulate. The opal serves as a beautiful symbol of these gifts, encouraging us to embrace our unique talents and inspirations while trusting in God’s provision and favor.

Opal jewelry, with its shimmering display of colors, is not just a beautiful accessory but also a reminder of the blessings of God. Just as the tribe of Asher was richly blessed and highly favored, may we too walk in the creativity, inspiration, and divine favor that the opal represents. Shop our opal jewelry here. 


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